Short description of the CD ANDOR

Musicians and singers  
Per O G Runberg Arrangement, "tagelharpa" (bowed harp), jaw harp (jew’s harp), song, bagpipes, cow horn, wooden horn, “nyckelharpa” (key fiddle), little whistler, willow flute, spälpipa (traditional flute) and sledge hammer
Violina Juliusdotter Arrangements, song and jaw harp
Per-Daniel Kaufeldt Arrangements, producer, lyre, photo, Old men’s choir and trash
Gunnar Norlinder
Bo Olofsson
Robert Persson
The Old men’s choir

The tracks:  
1. Början
(The Beginning)
“Kristallen den fina”, an Old Swedish folksong (means something about the beautiful crystal)
Cow horn
2. Ack, ack
(Oh oh)
Old folksong to the old dance polska
Song, tagelharpa, jaw harp and lyre
3. Du ligger så illa
(You are lying so bad)
Song, tagelharpa and jaw harp
4. Malungsdansen
(The Malung dance)
Bagpipes and song
5. Nöstmo Halvar
A name
Cow horn
6. Kom lille i gröna lunden
(Come little one in the green grove)
7. Harpans kraft
(The power of the harp)
A ballad
Song, tagelharpa, lyre and two wooden horns
8. Begins with an improvisation on cow horn.
Hia, hia svärmor
(Hia hia mother in law)
Tagelharpa, spälpipa (traditional wooden flute) and jaw harp
9. Lavmannen
A lullaby from Norway
Song, nyckelharpa and two jaw harps
10. Alder
A melody made for the whistle
11. Ska du bli ma ut ô lunnje vö, drängfan
Impossible to translate,
hard to understand even for Swedes
Song and nyckelharpa
12. Hur du vänder dig
(Whichever way you turn)
Song and tagelharpa
13. Ko ack, ack
(Ribbit, it)
Two jaw harps
14. Leiken hass Steffa Henningsgaard Willow flute and song
15. Du är så vacker för mina ögon
(You are so beautiful before my eyes)
16. Rullande gubbe
(Hey you rolling man)
Song, nyckelharpa and jaw harp
17. Så rider jag mig genom tolvmilan skog
(Riding through the 12-league forest)
An old traditional tune from Västmanland, a province in Sweden. It is also the origin to the Swedish national hymn “Du gamla du fria” by Dybeck
Song and tagelharpa
18. Slut
Kulning (old working song), cow horn, bird’s song and cat purr
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