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TRAD02 2001 |
Musicians and singers | |
Per O G Runberg | Arrangement, "tagelharpa" (bowed harp), jaw harp (jew’s harp), song, bagpipes, cow horn, wooden horn, “nyckelharpa” (key fiddle), little whistler, willow flute, spälpipa (traditional flute) and sledge hammer |
Violina Juliusdotter | Arrangements, song and jaw harp |
Per-Daniel Kaufeldt | Arrangements, producer, lyre, photo, Old men’s choir and trash |
Gunnar Norlinder
Bo Olofsson Robert Persson |
The Old men’s choir |
The tracks: | |
1. Början
(The Beginning) “Kristallen den fina”, an Old Swedish folksong (means something about the beautiful crystal) |
Cow horn |
2. Ack, ack
(Oh oh) Old folksong to the old dance polska |
Song, tagelharpa, jaw harp and lyre |
3. Du ligger så illa
(You are lying so bad) |
Song, tagelharpa and jaw harp |
4. Malungsdansen
(The Malung dance) |
Bagpipes and song |
5. Nöstmo Halvar
A name |
Cow horn |
6. Kom lille i gröna lunden
(Come little one in the green grove) |
Song |
7. Harpans kraft
(The power of the harp) A ballad |
Song, tagelharpa, lyre and two wooden horns |
8. Begins with an improvisation on cow horn.
Hia, hia svärmor (Hia hia mother in law) |
Tagelharpa, spälpipa (traditional wooden flute) and jaw harp |
9. Lavmannen
A lullaby from Norway |
Song, nyckelharpa and two jaw harps |
10. Alder
A melody made for the whistle |
Whistle |
11. Ska du bli ma ut ô lunnje vö, drängfan
Impossible to translate, hard to understand even for Swedes |
Song and nyckelharpa |
12. Hur du vänder dig
(Whichever way you turn) |
Song and tagelharpa |
13. Ko ack, ack
(Ribbit, it) |
Two jaw harps |
14. Leiken hass Steffa Henningsgaard | Willow flute and song |
15. Du är så vacker för mina ögon
(You are so beautiful before my eyes) |
Song |
16. Rullande gubbe
(Hey you rolling man) |
Song, nyckelharpa and jaw harp |
17. Så rider jag mig genom tolvmilan skog
(Riding through the 12-league forest) An old traditional tune from Västmanland, a province in Sweden. It is also the origin to the Swedish national hymn “Du gamla du fria” by Dybeck |
Song and tagelharpa |
18. Slut
(Final) |
Kulning (old working song), cow horn, bird’s song and cat purr |
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